If you are having trouble with any aspect of your roof, we offer high-quality, reliable repairs that we guarantee will stop the existing leak. We will use only materials to match your existing roofing materials or materials that are compatible with your existing roofing materials. Additionally, we can service the affected portion of your roof and bring that it back to full service life with new surface membranes or coatings tied into the original roof at the perimeter. We also offer emergency storm damage repairs to roofs, gutter and downspout systems, and architectural metal replacements, and all of our storm damage repairs come with inspection images and documentation for your insurance company.
Our repairs are made correctly the first time. No need for you to make repeated calls. Taking the time to repair your roof correctly with the appropriate materials that will last is
just the way we do business here. And that is the reason for our longevity and our long list of satisfied customers.
Let us repair your roof before your problem gets even bigger and you have to replace it completely.
Contact us to schedule your evaluation or repair.
Roof Coating Systems
The roof coating systems we use are specific to your existing materials and conditions. Roof coating systems are seamless, eliminating the source of so many roof problems, like material lap failure.
During our extensive history working on roofs in the Atlanta area, we have seen coating systems change considerably. Because of our experience, we know the material and system that will conform to your particular needs.
Learn more about our roof coating systems.
Storm Damage
Storm damage can be invisible to the naked eye, but it can cause massive problems if it isn’t repaired promptly. Our thermal scanner can see damage where the naked eye cannot. We can scan and document any damage to your roof, then repair it.
Learn more about our storm damage services.